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Can someone read the painters name?

Gepost door Madamexplorer 
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    12 september 2018 15:54
    I cannot read it well.It's a painting from R. DARFAN or R. Darfang. Can someone enlighten me and find/know the painter?
  • Can someone read the painters name?

    14 september 2018 19:02
    Hallo:) Does any of you know who the painter is? I read it as R. Darfan but I cannot search him. Maybe someone can help me?
  • Re: R. DARFAN

    23 september 2018 03:28
    This is painted by Robert Danford.You van Google him.
  • Re: Can someone read the painters name?

    24 september 2018 17:00
    You needn't bother to find the maker's name as this rubbish comes in container-loads from China.
  • Re: Can someone read the painters name?

    26 september 2018 10:43
    Oh that's pretty bad. So all of these paintings are fake or is there also an original painting?

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